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Protocol Buffers


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Protocol Buffers (protobuf) is a language-agnostic binary serialization format developed by Google. It is designed to be a more efficient and flexible alternative to traditional data interchange formats like XML and JSON. Protocol Buffers has been used extensively within Google for many years, and is now widely adopted by many other organizations as well.

Key Concepts

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Protocol Buffers uses a Data Definition Language (DDL) to define the structure of the data that will be serialized and deserialized. The DDL is used to define messages, which are analogous to classes or structs in programming languages. Messages can contain fields, which have a name, type, and tag number.

The DDL syntax for Protocol Buffers is defined using .proto files, which are then compiled into language-specific code using the protoc compiler. The generated code provides classes or structs that represent the defined messages, and can be used to create, manipulate, and serialize/deserialize message instances.


Serialization is the process of converting a message or object into a format that can be transmitted or stored. Protocol Buffers uses a binary format for serialization, which is more compact and efficient than text-based formats like JSON. The serialized data can be sent over a network or stored in a file.


Deserialization is the process of converting a serialized message back into an object or message. Protocol Buffers provides libraries for many programming languages that can be used to deserialize the binary data back into an object.

Code Generation

Protocol Buffers uses code generation to generate language-specific code for serializing and deserializing messages. This allows developers to work with strongly-typed objects instead of raw bytes.

The protoc compiler takes a .proto file as input, and generates code in the target language(s) specified using the --<language>_out option. The generated code typically includes classes or structs for each message defined in the .proto file, as well as serialization and deserialization methods.


Protocol Buffers provides versioning support, which allows for backwards and forwards compatibility of messages. New fields can be added to a message without breaking compatibility with older versions of the same message. This is achieved by assigning unique tag numbers to each field, which are used to identify them during serialization and deserialization.

If a new field is added to a message definition, it can simply be given a new tag number. When a new version of the message is received by an old version of the same message, the old version will simply ignore the new field. Similarly, if an old version of the message is received by a new version of the same message, the new version will simply ignore any fields that it doesn't recognize.


Protocol Buffers provides an extensibility mechanism that allows developers to add custom fields to messages without breaking compatibility with existing code. This is achieved through the use of optional fields and extensions.

Optional fields are defined using the optional keyword in the .proto file. If an optional field is not present in a message instance during serialization, it will simply be omitted from the serialized data. If an optional field is not present in the serialized data during deserialization, it will simply be assigned a default value.

Extensions allow developers to add custom fields to a message without modifying the original .proto file. Extensions are typically used when the same message is used by multiple applications or services, but each application or service requires a different set of fields.


Protocol Buffers is designed for high performance and efficiency. The binary format used for serialization and deserialization is more compact and efficient than text-based formats like JSON. Additionally, the generated code is highly optimized for performance.


Here's an example of a simple message definition in Protocol Buffers:

syntax = "proto3";

message Person {
string name = 1;
int32 age = 2;
repeated string interests = 3;

In this example, we define a Person message with three fields: name, age, and interests. The name and age fields are of type string and int32, respectively. The interests field is a repeated field, which means it can contain zero or more values.

To generate Go code for this message, we can use the Protocol Buffers compiler (protoc) to generate Go-specific code. Here's an example of how to generate code for the Person message in Go:

$ protoc --go_out=. person.proto

This will generate a Go package called person in the current directory, which we can use to create and serialize Person objects.

import (

func main() {
// Serialize the Person object into a byte array
person := &person.Person{
Name: "John Doe",
Age: 30,
Interests: []string{"reading", "writing"},

data, err := proto.Marshal(person)
if err != nil {


// Deserialize the byte array back into a Person object
newPerson := &person.Person{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(data, newPerson)
if err != nil {


In the above code, we first serialize the Person object into a byte array using the Marshal() method, just like before. Then, we create a new Person object called newPerson and use the Unmarshal() method to deserialize the byte array into this new object.

Once we have the newPerson object, we can use its accessor methods such as GetName(), GetAge(), and GetInterests() to retrieve the values of its fields.

Protocol Buffers are widely used in various industries for data serialization and transfer. Some examples of companies that use Protocol Buffers include Google, Netflix, and Uber. If you are interested in learning more about Protocol Buffers, the official Protocol Buffers documentation is a great resource to start with:

Additionally, if you're interested in learning more about how Protocol Buffers are used in Go, the official Go Protocol Buffers documentation is also a great resource: